Bond Street Opening (1877)


Many years later than originally expected, in 1877, Burton Grammar School was at last transferred to the newly erected Bond Street School.

The above picture was taken just prior to the opening of the new school and shows the school staff and their wives. 


Fortunately for us, Mr Tripp had the foresight to have the above picture taken which shows the entire school, pupils and staff, at the time of transfer. This included the grand total of sixty-seven, all boy, pupils.

The majority of students at this time still had to pay a £8 per annum fee. Scholarships were available from the Local Education Authority to boys who had passed a satisfactory examination, although only four such scholarships were available each year.

Subjects on opening included: Mathematics, Geography (political and physical), English (grammar, composition and literature), History (ancient and modern), Natural Science, Latin, Economics, Art and Drawing, Vocal Music and one foreign, European language.


Website by Kevin Gallagher